Best Holiday From Australia
A gap year can get pricey, but luckily, Australia and New Zealand make it easy to afford one with their working holiday schemes. These two Oceanic countries are among the few that offer a full year's working holiday visa to just about anybody between the ages of 18 - 30 who meets a few basic qualifications.
This visa allows its holders to live and work anywhere in the country for a full year, limited in opportunity only by their own ambition and the hiring policies of whatever job they decide to go for (read an overview in our American's guide to working holidays).
Instead, I want to focus on the types of jobs you can find. Some jobs won't hire backpackers. Many see them as "flighty, " but the opportunities are there, and given the drive and a bit of luck, you'll be making enough money to fund your entire trip and more. Who knows? You may even find a career.
Regardless, below is a list of the kind of jobs you can find while on a working holiday in Australia or New Zealand.
Hostel Concierge or Helper
- Pro: Easy to find on a working holiday visa.
- Con: Not always the best paying or best working conditions.
- Average salary: Minimum wage or a free place to stay
- Where to find a job: Ask at your hostel/look on job boards
Bar none, the easiest job to get in Australia and New Zealand is working in the hostel where you wind up living. The "flightiness" of backpackers is not only taken into account here; it's expected and appreciated in a place with a high turnover rate.
Hostel owners love to hire backpackers because there's a certain amount of understanding between employer and employee - you will work here for a short time, at which point, the person who moves into your bed will take your place. Hostel owners also appreciate the familiarity. If you've been there for some time and have been a good guest, they have no problem offering you work.