National Park in Australia Crossword Clue
Daily Telegraph Cryptic No 28441
Hints and tips by 2Kiwis
+ – + – + – + – + – + – + – +
BD Rating – Difficulty ***– Enjoyment ****
Kia ora from Aotearoa.
This time next week we will be on our way to Australia so there will be someone else doing the Wednesday Hints and Tips for the next three weeks. The main purpose of our holiday in Oz is to do a trip on The Ghan. This is the railway journey from Adelaide in South Australia, through Alice Springs to Darwin in the tropical far north. The journey takes 3 days and after this we will be exploring the national parks near Darwin. We’re really looking forward to the experience.
We found Jay a bit trickier than usual today so it took us right to the top of our three star diffculty rating.
Please leave a comment telling us how you got on.
1a Avoid women after scheme losing millions in error (6)
ESCHEW : An anagram (in error) of SCHEmE loses its abbreviation for millions and is followed by the abbreviation for women.
5a Lives with mother — getting cleaner at first offers appeal (8)
CHARISMA : Start with (at first) a cleaning lady, then a two letter word for lives or exists and an informal word for mother.
9a Reward thoughtfulness (13)
CONSIDERATION : A double definition.
10a Threatening, as most of wine is rejected (8)
SINISTER : A flavoured Greek wine loses its last letter, then IS from the clue. All of this is reversed.
11a Watch tool move to and fro (6)
SEESAW : Watch or observe and then a cutting tool.
12a The first person doing swirls in colour (6)
INDIGO : A first person singular pronoun and then an anagram (swirls) of DOING.
14a Announced theologian to cover English and Irish county (8)
DECLARED : The abbreviation for a Doctor of Divinity surrounds the abbreviation for English and a West Coast Irish county.
16a Daily construction for the millennium anticipating endless criticism (8)
DOMESTIC : The structure built at Greenwich for the millenium, and then a word for criticism loses its last letter.
19a Lower profit by being linked with that woman (6)
NETHER : The profit that is left after costs and tax are paid, and then a personal pronoun for that woman.
21a 16 turning in during dinner, for example (6)
MENIAL : The answer for 16a is the definition. The word IN is reversed and is enclosed in what dinner can be an example of.
23a Dry humour and energy in crowd (8)
WITHERED : A three letter word for humour or cleverness, then the abbreviation for energy is inside a crowd possibly of cattle.
25a Revolutionary Iran, or ancient religious belief (13)
REINCARNATION : An anagram (revolutionary) of IRAN OR ANCIENT.
26a The king worried before Germany is given an honour (8)
KNIGHTED : The IVR code for Germany follows an anagram (worried ) of THE KING.
27a If touched, this may sting or irritate (6)
NETTLE : Double definition.
2d Part of orchestra once it’s formed (7)
SECTION : An anagram (formed) of ONCE ITS. (Bet we’re not the only people who tried to put ‘strings’ in there).
3d Language used by Spanish Indians (5)
HINDI : A lurker hiding in the last two words of the clue.
4d Hesitate to be seen around Ascot clumsily wearing this (9)
WAISTCOAT : “This” is an item of clothing indicated by “wearing”. An anagram (clumsily) of ASCOT is inside a word meaning hesitate or delay.
5d Got over being freed of blame (7)